Day 11
Day 11
Second to last day of senior project, so you know we had to hit biceps and triceps. Yesterday I did chest and back (I forgot to blog about it) and I felt the effects today, my arms were dead. I started with twist curls and overhead tricep extensions, 5 sets of each with 12 reps for hypertrophy because I want big arms. Then I did seated bicep curls and dips. After that I did a heavy set of curls paired with a light set of curls for 5 sets of each to work our biceps. To work our triceps I did a superset of cable extensions and skull crushers. Then to end I did a drop set of cable extensions and farmer curls. For the drop set I did 12 reps at 30 pounds then dropped the weight to 25 and did 12 reps with no rest in between, I did that all the way down to 10 pounds. I did the farmer curls with Dylan, I did 1 rep then passed it to Dylan and he did one rep and passed it back to me then I did two reps and passed it back to him all the way up to 8 reps and then back down to 1 rep. My biceps were burning afterwards.
Twist curls
Overhead tricep extensions
Seated bicep curls
Heavy curls, low reps
Light curls, high reps
Cable extensions
Dropset of cable extensions
Farmer curls
9:30-11:30: bicep/tricep workout
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