Day 5

 Day 5


Today was super light because it was a game day, my main goal of the day was to make sure I was stretched out for the game. I started with a mile and a half on the bike to get the blood flowing and get loose before stretching. Then I had a very thorough foam rolling session followed by ladder drills. I did the ladder drills to get my legs ready for the in game movement, I am not sure if it actually helped my performance but it made me feel more prepared for the game. I also went out to the turf to shoot and play wall ball. We ended up losing the game, so I guess all that preparation didn't help too much. Hopefully it  works tomorrow!


Mile and a half bike

Speed ladder

Wall ball




  1. How was your game performance? Was it consistent? Were you at your best?

  2. Do you think your training affected your performance?


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