Day 6

 Day 6


Today was the first day of the Arnold split, I did chest and back. It felt weird doing push exercises alongside pull exercises because I had done the PPL split for so long, but to be honest the change was kind of nice. My muscles were tired but they weren't completely burnt out like they are when I do a normal push or pull day. I think it is because I was not working the same two muscles with every exercise, the workload was more spread out across my upper body. I have my doubts about the effectiveness of this type of training because, in my mind, the more you push your muscles the stronger you get. Then again, it was the first day so I have no idea how the more spread out working of the muscles will feel two days in a row. I did research about high vs low reps and learned that high reps/low weight trains your muscles for endurance and low reps/high weight trains your muscles to be more explosive.

Chest/Back workout:

Bench(chest, triceps)

Pull ups(back, biceps) 

Incline Bench(chest, triceps)

Barbell Rows(back, biceps)

Dumbell Flyes(chest, shoulders)

Weighted Dips(triceps, chest)

Machine rows(back, biceps)

Close-grip chin ups(back, biceps)


9:30-11:30am workout

3-5pm CARDIO


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