Day 9

 Day 9


Today was a super light day focused around stretching and agility because I also had a game today and I didn't want to be fatigued but I also didn't want to be stiff. I started with 3 miles on the bike to get the blood flowing followed by 5 minutes of jumprope for agility. I also did a core workout because I still wanted to do some form of workout even though it was a game day. For core I did three rotations hanging leg raises, crunches, and weighted Russian twists, 20 reps of each and then the last set was until failure. I did those three ab exercises because they all work different parts of your core; leg raises work lower, crunches work middle and upper, and Russian twists work the sides. I ended with about a half hour of foam rolling and static stretching. I had to do all that stretching to make up for the fact that I did leg day the day before a game because usually I do it two days before so that I'm not sore. It paid off, I wasn't sore and we actually won a game! Finally. I also ran super fast.


9-10am: Getting ready for the game

4pm-5:30pm: GAME TIME

Idk if the video works but its a video of me running super fast


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