Dia tres

 Day 3 


During my third day of senior project I worked out strictly shoulders. My shoulders got worked a little bit during my push day yesterday, which is why I wanted to double up today. To really work my shoulders. I started with shoulder press for nine sets with increasing weight. After that I did three way dumbbell raises and shoulder shrugs. I originally was going to stop the workout there and then stretch because my legs are still sore from Monday's workout, but I didn't really feel satisfied with what I had done. So, instead of stretching, I added an extra set of the raises and shrugs. I also added another superset which consisted of seated lateral dumbbell raises and front dumbbell raises. These were extra so I went through them quickly with high intensity. I really wanted to feel the burn. It worked and now as I am writing this at 9:45pm (12 hours after the workout) I can barely lift my shoulders past a 90 degree angle. In short, those extra exercises worked. Today is Wednesday and I have lacrosse games on Friday and Saturday, so I am going to chill on the heavy lifting and focus on agility work and making sure my body is well prepared for the games. Tomorrow I am planning to hit back and biceps in the morning and then some agility in the afternoon paired with a lot of stretching. Dylan and I both have games this weekend, but after that we are planning to create a new workout regiment that is inspired by Arnold Schwartzanegger  (I have no idea how to spell his last name). Stay tuned! 

My workout:

Shoulder press

3 way dumbbell raises

Shoulder shrugs

Seated lateral raises

Dumbbell front raises


9-11am: Shoulders

2:15-4:15: Cardio

6-7pm: Research


  1. What is the goal of the program that you're building? Bodybuilding? Strength? Specific performance in some lift or sport?

    If you want to figure out how to spell Arnold's name, you could try looking it up in the internet. You were close.

  2. some interesting Arnold S. interviews on YouTube. Here's one with a nutrition guy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA_2AgU05L4


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