First weekly reflection

 First week


First week of senior project is done! I would say it was a success, I spent the week testing out the push/pull/legs workout split and for this week I will be moving to the Arnold split. If you are on a PPL split the succession of workouts goes chest+triceps+shoulders then back+biceps then legs repeated throughout a week with one rest day. The Arnold split goes Chest+back then biceps+triceps+shoulders then legs with one rest day. The difference between these two splits is how much you train each muscle. With the PPL you work a set of muscles one day then let them rest for two; so on push days you work chest and triceps, but then you don't work those muscles again for two days. When you workout your chest you inadvertently workout your triceps and when you work your back you inadvertently work your biceps so by working chest+back you inadvertently work your biceps and triceps too. Them, the next day the main workout is bicep and triceps so they do not get as much rest time. The goal for next week is to get through the Arnold split and then decide which split we like more. Whichever split we choose will be the basis of our final workout plan.

    My favorite part of this week was definitely building the project, Dylan and I mapped out our workouts and created an instagram. I also weighed myself during the week and fluctuated between 161 pounds and 159 pounds which is a pretty big deal for me because I have always had a difficult time maintaining 160 pounds for more than a day or two. Usually I weigh closer to 155 pounds. That being said, I am not sure that maintaining 160 is the best move for me because I didn't feel as athletic as I am at 155 and I can't really see a difference in the amount of weight I can put up. Next week I will pay more attention to my diet and see if that affects my lifting at all, without checking my weight everyday. I feel like if I had not checked my weight every day I wouldn't have been able to maintain 160  because whenever I would see my weight below 160 I would focus on eating more at the dining hall. Next week I am going to eat what my body feels is right and see where that gets me. Stay tuned for nightly updates!

Push/Pull/Legs (PPL):









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